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Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program

Campus Deadline Disciplines Purpose Open To Eligibility Endorsement Required
October 11 (1:00 PT) All disciplines Fellowship for 5 years of graduate education at Stanford University Seniors and recent graduates within 4 years of completing first BA No restrictions No

The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program welcomes scholars from a variety of disciplines who are dedicated to finding creative solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Out of the 2,000 graduate students who enroll at Stanford each year, 100 (50 in the inaugural year) will be Knight-Hennessy Scholars.

Applications are encouraged from citizens from all counties; students are eligible to apply if they are planning to enroll in a full-time graduate degree program at Stanford or a joint and dual graduate degree option (for example: MD+PhD, JD+MA, MBA+MS).

The program will fund up to five years of graduate education. The scholar will receive a fellowship applied directly to cover tuition and associated fees and a generous stipend that compromises of on-campus room and board, books and supplies, health insurance, and travel to and from Stanford.

This program stresses the importance of leadership development, mentorship, and experiential learning.

MSU does not offer students an institutional assessment or endorsement, so student applicants should instead plan to solicit a second letter of recommendation.

For more information, visit the Knight-Hennessy Scholars website.


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Erykah Benson

Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program
Finalist - 2020-2021
For a complete list of all awardees, including Honorable Mentions and Finalists, see All Awardees.
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